Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday night's alright, alright, alright!

I seem to be all recovered from my night of debauchery with no permanent damage. Yayy

Not too sure why I am bothering with a Saturday blog, since it seems much of Blogsville wanders away on the weekends. Ah well, call it an experiment! Maybe if you read this, you can comment so I feel like all this extra typing was worth it. :P I need your love and validation people!! 

Today was a great day hanging with my man. I  made some extra dough doing my tutoring thing in the a.m. Then we saw District 9, which was different and kinda cool, but it didn't make me wanna do a happy dance and tell the world about it. 

Afterwards we took a spin around the parking lot so Jason could practice driving stick. Hardly a jackrabbit was to be seen. I was so proud. :) He's learning so I can take his newer and far more reliable car down to Washington and leave him my lil' old (standard) Honda. Sweet of him, non? I think the whole experience has been rather positive with no cussing, screaming (though I may have yelled, "Clutch, honey! Clutch!" a time or two), crying or destroying of my transmission! 

I ate pretty well today, and though I did give into the evils of movie theatre popcorn, I only had a few handfuls. What? Am I a saint over here? Hellllls no! Dinner was chicken fajitas, and I only had two small ones, very easy on the shredded cheese. I used to eat...three or four STUFFED ones.

To top it off, I just worked out my lazy, boozin' ass and I did it on level 4 the whole time. Yeahhhh. I used to switch to 3 when I used my weights, but 3 was just feeling way way too easy. I have to work my way up to 5 a little faster here! Followed the bike and weights with my 100 sit ups. 

The BEST thing though, is the scale has decided to continue it's little downward trend of the month. 190 people! That's thirty, count 'em THIRTY pounds down. I worry about something though. I was talking to a friend this eve about my weight loss so far, and I was struck by a scary thought. What if I lose these next 15 lbs and still feel fat? Does this worry any other of you lovely floggers out there? Where does it end? What if I can never be happy with my body after years of being overweight? Can you say EEEP?!?

Brughh!! Ok, enough of that! 

Tomorrow, I'm off to the store for freaky-tall people 'cause no regular stores carry pants long enough for my daddy long legs.  I am going to the beach and apparently it gets colder at night there, so I frickin' needs me some pants. All mine just fall off my ass. Darn, right? And guess what? I get to take the Sky Train again! Yeahhh! Lol! I love that freakin' train! No traffic. No parking. Blessed be the train for thou art GOOOD. The other cool part about going downtown is I get to crash the local news talk radio station, CKNW and visit my reporter friend, Lara. She's gonna let me hang in the booth an' everything! The BOOTH! Be jealous. :P 

Love y'alls

Stats for the day:

Weight: 190

Exercise: 40 min. 


Fat Daddy said...

Congrats on the 190! The scale god is smiling on you right now. I usually post once on the weekend, but like you I expect a bit less feedback.

I went the opposite on goal setting. I set a goal that is so far down from where I began I can't imagine getting there.

As far as your goal. I say just decide when you get there, and listen to those who love you. They'll tell you if you're going too far.

Carlos said...

way to lose... you are read on the weekends. oh and that movie sounds creepy

Tammy said...

Thanks guys, totally feelin' the love from my two favourite bloggin' dudes! :)

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

Congrats on the loss!

I totally feel fat. I'm freakin 75 lbs down and I'm still a beached whale. However, I'm still over 200 lbs so it's totally true for me.

Tammy said...

UGWBH: 75 lbs is sooo amazing! I hope you take the time to contemplate the sheer awesomeness of it! You look great in your pics, so I dunno about any beached whales!

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

lol call me Amber

Thanks, really. Just impossible for me to believe.

Tammy said...

Amber is so much easier! Thank you. :) Know what you mean though. Sucks to be wired up with such a screwy self-image. Blah.