Friday, June 4, 2010

Yam Fries...I love you

(Not my yam fries)

I baked some of those sweet orangalicious bad boys for the first time last night, and mmmmmboy were they good! I didn't want to have them with ketchup or solo, so I tried making a garlic aioli. We used light mayo (45 cal for 2 tbsp), 3 cloves of garlic, a hint of chili powder and a splash of lemon juice. Totally delish. I tried to go easy on the stuff because, well, still mayo! I was a bit disappointed that the fries didn't get crispy, but a chat with my friend the home chef and we figured the oven temp was too low. I will try them again, despite the amount of cursing that was done while I peeled and cut the yam. Holy crap was that annoying! I couldn't peel some parts due to the freakish shape of the thing, and then cutting it was like trying to slice into a tree trunk. I shoulda taken pictures of the hatchet job I did slicing them. Oh well, they still tasted amazing...and were super filling! I gave hubby way more than me, and then I was eyeballing his greedily once I tasted them. But in the end, I couldn't even finish mine! The rest of dinner was a spring mix salad with five small croutons (yes, I counted) and light dressing and a small BBQd chicken breast. I was STUFFED.

I have been eating super well this week, and I am proud 'o me. Nothing baked or in bar form for this girl! The great thing is I haven't been longing for baked goods at all. At. All. Total switch from the past few weeks, where I wanted baked chocolate
anything for my next fix.

Some of my eating transgressions of the past few months (all things I would say no to before):

  • buying cookies at Mrs. Fields- 6 minis- and eating them all (did that twice)
  • buying a giant chocolate muffin every Sat. at Bread Garden while tutoring and calling that lunch
  • buying a slice of pizza in the lounge every Friday after I'd already eaten lunch.
  • having two (small) pieces of pie in the staffroom on two separate occasions, and one piece a third time
  • snacking on yogurt bars, granola bars etc. instead of fruit/veggies
  • eating handfuls of chips whenever they are presented to me
  • eating fat-free pudding cups with Go Lean Crunch cereal sprinkled on for dessert instead of my single chocolate square (or in addition to TWO chocolate squares)
  • eating husbands 90 cal fudge pops instead of my single chocolate square.
  • eating most of my french fries when out instead of only a few (don't try to take my fries away from me...I'll cut you).
  • making choco cake in a cup- did that three times? Somthin like that.
So yes, you can see that all these little extras added up to me not losing any weight. And they truly are extras. I wouldn't eat these things while I was losing those 60 lbs. I didn't GAIN weight until I stopped running for that 1.5 weeks. My food and exercise kept me in balance. Now, I am back to trying for a deficit. So far the school scale has me down nearly a pound. I will weigh again on Tues to see for sure. Home scale (you know, the evil fucked up one) shows zero change.

I haven't heard back from the Nutrisystem people, so maybe they took me outta the running already. She asked me for a screen shot of my "metrics and systemics" or some such thing. Wha? I looked up that shit online, thank you google, and figured she means like my hit counter, # of followers, #of posts, etc. I asked her to explain, and she didn't write back. Maybe me too stupid for Nutrisystem people? Oh, so if you hadn't figured it out, I said yes, consider me for the program. I figure I can still say no if I don't like what I hear. A few people have mentioned their food is high in sodium. I checked out some info on a few foods, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert and added up the daily percentages. Didn't come out high, but that's something I'd ask about for sure. The other thing I don't love is all the baked goods. Here I am on the baked goods wagon all happy with myself, and
this is what I am faced with: cake, brownies, cookies, muffins, scones? Yipes. Sooo yeah, we'll see where this leads.

I am sad to say that despite my video, I didn't win Tricia's awesome 300 things giveaway. However, because she is such a rockin' generous chick, she is giving me a consolation prize 'cause I was the only one who did a video. Yay! You can check her blog to see what it is. ;)

I guess that's it for me today. Have a fabuloso weekend.

I'll leave you with some pics from the wedding...

Waiting for the ceremony to start. My sister is sooo mature. Hee hee!
Sorry honey for cutting off your head!

The (wayyy too) gorgeous bride and groom. I've known the groom since we were 4.

Me by the fire that warmed up my freezing azz. Ahhhhh.


Tricia said...

Dude, yeah, cook them at like 400 or higher and just leave the skins on! They come out all awesome with the skins, so stop working so dang hard. What a sexy couple, total magazine weeding!

words...words...words... said...

I don't like yams, but BOY they look good. I make oven fries with regular potatoes all the time. Tricia is right, high temperature will make them crispy. I cut mine the size of the ones in that picture, toss them in a little olive oil, and cook them at 450-475 for about 35 to 40 minutes. If you like a fluffy inside, soak the fries in cold water for 20 minutes before you bake them. YUM.

Tiffany said...

I'm not big on the yam fries either - but have only tried mccain's version. They always look so good though.

As per usual, you look fabulous!!!

Maria@HuffandBuff said...

I keep meaning to make some sweet potato fries. I think I will give them a shot. Glad to see you are back on track! Want some extra motivation? Check out a new blog: Win, Lose or Blog at winloseorblog.blogspot.


Kelsey said...

I agree to leave the skins on. I read somewhere that the skins actually contain most of the fiber found in the things, and they actually taste fantastic when cooked anyway, so it's a win-win!

Lucas said...

I love love LOVE sweet potato fries but rarely have found them to be crispy enough to my liking. They always seem to be a bit soggy but OH FER YUM!!!!!!